Monday, November 10, 2008


How many times do you hug your kids, kiss them, hold them, smile at them, tickle them, chase them, rock them, sing to them? According to a psychologist whom is an advocate for attaching with your newly adopted child, most parents will give their kids these "moments" at least 100 times per day. Oh yeah...that's when they are newborns up to age 5...that part is important! If your child gets 100 "moments" per day the entire year that adds up to 36,500 "moments" per year.

Just recently we learned that our new daughter, currently living in an orphanage, will probably only be receiving up to 10 "moments" per day by her caregiver--depending on how many children there are in the orphanage. We learned that on average, most kids in an orpahage will be lacking 36,500 "moments" per year. That's a lot of catching up to do once she gets home. How will we smother her with enough love and not smother her too much?!

If there are approximately 143 million orphans in the world today and each orphan is missing out on an average 100 "moments" per day...think about where most of these kids are in their head.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have you seen this
