Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dear Ayantu,

In just a few hours it will be morning in Ethiopia. You will wake up in the orphanage and do your usual routine. Only it may not be a usual day. Tomorrow sometime in the morning, your birth Mom has to appear at a court in Addis Ababa and stand before a judge. The judge will hear our case how we would like to become your official family here in the United States. Somehow, your birth Mom will have to find the strength to say that she officially is going to release you into our care.

We are praying for your birth Mom tomorrow. We are praying that all of the paperwork that took us over a year to complete is accurate and there. And we are praying for the judge--that he will grant this adoption. No matter what happens tomorrow, we want you to know that you are deeply loved and adored, not only by us, but by your Heavenly Father that created you. He is watching your story unfold and is holding your hand even now.

We love you, sweet girl, and cannot wait for tomorrow!

Mom and Dad


Laurie said...

Yeah! Big day. I'll be praying.

The Vander Meydens said...

Jen--your words bring tears to my eyes. Your whole family--near and far, will be on my heart.

Cheeky said...

I'm crying too. Your words are piquant and struck a chord with me very needfully today.

Cindy Bultema said...

We are praying too!! Thank you for sharing your family's journey with us. Many blessings to you all!

Mary said...

Can't stop thinking about you all! So excited to hear news and give praise!