Of all the things you think will be hard once you bring your child home I didn't expect this to be at the top of the totum pole at all. It's not eating, it's not language, it's not sleeping patterns [although the screaming has come close to blowing my right ear drum!]...it actually has nothing to do with Ayantu. It's our bio daughter, Sahara!
After the honeymoon period [2 days long for Sahara], she decided she was not liking this whole sister thing. Yes we expected some of that at some point on the journey. But honestly, this is the hardest part for me. It's not that I expect them to be best friends right away but I didn't expect Sahara to be so angry. The last 2 weeks have been challenging, to say the least, in terms of balancing our hearts for both girls. Sahara is frustrated that Ayantu can't talk. She's frustrated about the whole sharing thing. She's flat out mad that Ayantu likes Elmo cuz' Lord knows Sahara is way too old for Elmo! Of all the tears I've cried since we've been home, 98% of them have been regarding figuring this part out.
With all that said, let me say there have been glimpses of goodness between the two. Sahara wanting to pick out Ayantu's outfit for the day. Sahara asking if she can help brush Ayantu's teeth. They are little things, but they give me hope at just the right time.
We've been home three weeks and at times it feels like it's been three years! We're getting into a rythym and asking God for help...lots of help. Brian, of course, has been amazing. I don't know how the man stays so even keel about everything. I guess that's how God has chosen to wire him because He knew some day Brian would be united with crazy me!
More later...
We struggled w/ this when our 2nd came home. It was a rough several months. now they are best friends. I felt all alone b/c most of my friends kids were loving their new siblings but my little guy was not. He took it out on everyone except me b/c I am all he wanted. It will get better. hang in there
Hi Jen :)
Thanks for sharing how you are "really" doing. So grateful the Lord is our "ever present help in time of need"!! May He continue to infuse you with grace, patience, wisdom, love, and strength!! You are not alone!!
Love to you~
Cindy :)
Sisters; it's a love/hate relationship at this age. My girls are 10 and 8 and can play together fabulously or be begging to have their own room PLEASE! (This happened last night ... again.)
Praying that Miss Sahara will realize what a blessing she has in having a little sister. It takes time. Which luckily, we all have. Hang in there.
Hi! I just ran across your blog because we are leaving Grand Rapids on Friday morning to go to Ethiopia to pick up two kids! I am 22 years old and will be going with my parents to pick up my new six year old brother and 4 year old sister. Blessings to you!
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