The day has come. It's time to go! I can't imgaine we'll be doing much posting or updating while in country. Although, rumor has it that we can utilize the internet cafe at the hotel we're staying at. If so I'll try to connect briefly. We're staying overnight tonight in Chicago and then depart for Addis tomorrow morning. It will be hard to be in Ethiopia three days without being able to see Ayantu. But this is the way it is. We are going to her orphanage Wednesday so if you think to pray please pray that our emotions will be in tack for our first encounter with our daughter! Pray for the nannies that have taken such good care of Ayantu and have to say goodbye. And pray for the little ones left behind still waiting...
Thank you for sharing the joy of this part of our journey. Brian and I have a lot to catch up on during the 17+ hour plane ride. It's been a difficult road with me working evenings the last 2 years. We've barely had any time together. So, we're looking forward to "re-connecting"!
We can't wait to post pictures of sweet little Ayantu and her journey to the United States!
With love and gratitude,
Jen, for the Knapp's
We have pic we took of ourselves on the plane ride over to ET framed and sitting atop our hutch. We are positively giddy at being on a plane alone TOGETHER, pregnant with the anticipation of what lies on the other side of our plane ride. I am so excited for you and Brian to finally be on your way! Looking forward to meeting Ayantu, praying for all aspects of your trip.
You don't know me, but I've been reading your blog and waiting for this time to come when you can make your family complete. I'm so happy for you. Congratulations! Can't wait for the pictures!
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